The World's Greatest Valentine (Spongebob Squarepants Chapter Books) [Paperback]
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By : Terry Collins
Price : $3.99
Price : $3.99
Customer Reviews
The colors in this book make my kids busy for hours on end! Parents, if you like me and need some time with your spouse then GET THIS BOOK! the words are very easy to learn and my kids love for me to read to them and gives us a chance to get together after a hard days work. If you havnt noticed that a lot of the books that are great and that are spongebob are by Mr. Terry Collins him self. I have had the pleasure of meeting this kind hearted man and now i have a signed copy of all my spongebob book colletion! if you have the means, i HIGHLY suggest you look up what else this very talented writer has done.
Really funny Spongy stuff! Patrick goes and thinks that
he's valentine going to get the greatest ever and he does!
But it's funnier than that! He has to wait FOR HOURS at
the carnival and he gets..well PRETTY MADDD! Their are VERY
great pictres! Especially another brilliant and hilaourious and
HISTERICAL cartoon scene where Patrick thinks Spongebob
(his best friend) is trapped in a rock!
Very fun and well done!
Even if you'v already seen the episode it's still funny to read!
And of course I didn't give EVERYTHING away..just read it
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