SpongeBob Goes to the Doctor (Nick Spongebob Squarepants (Simon Spotlight))

SpongeBob Goes to the Doctor (Nick Spongebob Squarepants (Simon Spotlight)) [Paperback]

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By : Steven Banks
Price : $3.99
SpongeBob Goes to the Doctor (Nick Spongebob Squarepants (Simon Spotlight)) [Paperback]

Price : $3.99
SpongeBob Goes to the Doctor (Nick Spongebob Squarepants (Simon Spotlight)) [Paperback]

Customer Reviews

Spongebob gets the suds and doesn't want to miss work.He goes to work and when he sneezes pink bubbles go everywhere. He spreads germs.His boss told him to go home.Spongebob calls a friend named Sandy. Patrick came over and told Spongebob horrible things about going to the Doctor.Patrick put corks in all the holes of Spongebob,but Spongebob sneezed and germs went everywhere. Sandy took Spongebob to the doctor and he got well.
I thought it was a really great book.

This story is so cute. SB has a case of the soap suds. Funny, colorful. If your child is a Spongebob fan, the grab this one!

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