Sandy's Rocket (Spongebob Squarepants Chapter Books) [Paperback]
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By : Steven Banks
Price : $3.99
Price : $3.99
Customer Reviews
spongebob and Patrick take a tour at Sandy's Rocket and accidentally takes them off to the moon. They think that the moon is Bikini Bottom and they start to think that the residents are aliens!
The book I read was Sandy's Rocket. It's a comedy-adventure. The story take's place under the sea. The time is dark time. I really don't know who the narrator is. But at the beginning of the story is a pirate. There are two main characters. Their names are Spongebob Squarepants and Patrick Star. Spongebob and Patrick are taking a tour of Sandy's rocket ship, but they accidentally take off to the moon! The moon looks strangely similar to Bikini Bottom. They accidentally land back to Bikini Bottom. Also is going alien hunting. What will happen next? Read the book and find out. The funniest part of this book is when he sings his song "were going to the moon, moon ride". It's so funny; I recommend it to ages 3 and up.
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